Photo by Shaughn Crawford
I am passionate about creating moments where people are reminded of the gift and privilege of being alive.
During the day, I lead an extraordinary team of creatives called The Studio at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory where we transform complex concepts into meaningful stories that can be universally understood. Our work is seen in public spaces, art museums, and is in outer space.
After doing the dishes, hanging out with my kids and spending time with my wife, I collaborate on art installations, immersive experiences and creative problem-solving projects around the world. Currently I am working on a new installation for a law school in SF, and imagining a way to experience listening to a million people singing at once.
I was honored with NASA’s Exceptional Public Service Award and somehow was selected as “One of the most interesting people in Los Angeles” by the LA Weekly. In 2002, I graduated valedictorian from the graphic design program at Art Center College of Design. I currently live in Altadena, CA with my wife, three kids, 7 chickens, 2 beehives and our beautiful dog.
In this talk on I give a the behind-the-scenes story about how a single question launched NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab into action at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, propelling an unprecedented pivot from space-exploring robots to live-saving ventilators. It'll inspire you to wonder: "Is what I'm doing right now the most important thing I can be doing?" (7min)
Forbes: In this podcast you’ll hear from 5 members of The Studio at JPL partner with scientists and engineers to help them “think through their thinking”. They’ll also tell us how they got the coolest jobs ever, and fill us in on some of their awesome projects, like wearable tech for astronauts, visualizing live communications from NASA’s Deep Space Network, and a whole lot more. (70min)
Do you ever have voices in the back of your head? I mean the kind from people who you admire that cause you to become better? Better in life, work, relationships, etc? Through my life I have had the privilege to either know or be exposed to a number of amazing people. Here I share them with you.
Erwin McManus
Lives a life of purpose, meaning and adventure
Lou Danzinger
Taught me to “work, think and feel”
Roland Young
Can reach into your soul and bring out the best you never knew you had
Kevin Kelly
The deepest thinker I know
David Kremers
Has tought me long term thinking
Ned Kahn
Creates beautiful artwork that illuminates nature
Evelyn Glennie
Caused me to think about my senses
Dan McCleese
He taught me what it means to persevere gracefully